We are so excited to announce our 2020-2021 season. Although the procedures may be different, and we can't see your smiling faces behind the masks...we know that together we will thrive despite the dark times. Welcome Back Pamphlet
We left a light on....Welcome Back!

Online Registration Dates Announced!
August 3rd: Returning Students Registration Begins!
(Returning students from our 2019-2020 season: Recital Track & 8 Week Courses)
Just thinking about Fall and getting back to class is making our staff so happy!! Please note that class sizes will be smaller this year to allow for social distancing that has been mandated by State/CDC guidelines. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and will do our best to accommodate as many students as possible. Due to this, we do suggest registering ASAP to ensure a spot for your dancer.
August 10th: New Student Registration Begins!

Free Trial Classes (New Students ONLY)
We are excited to meet new dancers at our free trial classes on the lawn of the Moorestown Community House on Main Street in Moorestown. Come try out one of our classes, meet some of our staff and check out our studio after! This is event requires pre-registration.
Tuesday August 11th
(Rain Date TBA)
Dance With Me/All By Myself ……... 5:00-5:20
Tutu Ballet/Tap/Tumble………….…….5:30-6:00
Starlet Ballet/Tap/Jazz/Hip Hop …….6:15-6:55
Prima Ballet/Tap/Jazz/Contemporary/Hip Hop ………7:00-8:00
Register Here for Free Trial Class.
Wednesday Pop Up Summer Classes:
On the front lawn of the Moorestown Community House
August 5th, August 12th, August 19th
(Rain Date TBA)
Cost: $10.00 Per Class: Register for All 3 for $25.00
Ages 3-4.5 ……………… 5:15-5:45
Ages 5-6.5………….……..6:00-6:45
Ages 7-12 .………………..7:00-8:00
Register Here for Pop Up Classes
Safety Measures

We take the safety of our students and staff very seriously. Click here to check out our new procedures/policies being taken.

New Website!
We are always working to keep our parents updated with the best and easiest tools. Our new website is whimsical, fun (just like us!) and easy to navigate. Let us know how you like the new site. We value your feedback!